bassists... woot!

anyways... last friday (friday the 13th) i attended a get together of bassists in quezon city... it was held at a friend's house... our HQ... ehehehehe... we do this like every other month or so to help strengthen the bond between members of a bass community here... nothing grand... just a simple gathering of lovers of the low end... we bring some of our gear, jam (yes, bassists jam too... and you'd be surprised how many awesome bassists we have here in manila...), and drink a lot of booze... well i do anyway.... wehehehehe...

some of you might be thinking... "the bass? isn't that a guitar with just four strings? what's so special about that? anyone can play the bass right?"

how wrong you are...

in fact... the bass is not just a musical instrument... it's a way of life...
to be a good bassist you need these things:


self discipline

a good sense of time

and most importantly you must have a firm grasp on groove... you must make people dance... that's a requirement... no matter what type of music you play... you must make their feet tap, their heads bop, and their butts shake

ok, so maybe some of you are thinking... "but i can't even hear the bass... why should i bother?"

this is actually true for some people... i have friends who have a hard time figuring out where the bass is in a song... but believe me, if a bassist makes a mistake in the middle of a song... or if he plays out of tune... etc... you may not hear it... but you will feel it. such is the power of the bass... that's why bassists have the biggest responsibility in the band... he is the foundation... he makes the song happen. anyway, where was i? oh yeah, the get together. anywho... a lot of our friends couldn't make it due to conflicts in their scheds... talk about bad luck on friday the 13th... ehehehehe... but it's ok. it was an awesome night... the gears were great... beer... beer... beeeeer... and the people we're awesome as always. i had a blast...

met new people there... tried out some gear... played a little (wasn't able to jam much coz i was the official photographer and video guy for that night... ehehehehe)... basically had a great time being with people who love the bass too... and you know how it is being with people with same interests... you just feel like you belong... and that is such a cool feeling.

...hmmmm i think it would be better to tell the story through photos and some vid clips:

biboy and his greco pbass... the bass is a beauty... oh and it has a very special function... and biboy himself explains it below...

vic trying out deedee's goth thunderbird... that guy on the left is ej... he's one helluva cool guy... he makes custom stompboxes... how cool is that?

here they are... ej's masterpieces... the kalikot audio custom stompboxes... LSS is a delay pedal... grit is overdrive... and hikari is an optical compressor... want to know how they sound like? watch the vid...

that's edmund... he and a friend played jazz standards all night....

paul trying out vic's uber beautiful vintage fretless fender pbass...

vic trying out karel's beautiful fodera four string... wow! watch the video below... awesome sounding bass!!!!

Karel Honasan... an awesome bassist... here he is trying out vic's vintage jazz...

karel thumps on vic's jazz... every jaw drops to the ground...

the Karel video collection:

mister nobody with the gang...

can't wait for the next get together...


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