Hmmm, what can I say.... YAY! Juststuff has risen from it's ashes to bring some fire into the universe.... or well just to kill some f'n time for us folks who bother to read this blog :P.

Lo and behold.... for the first time ever..... i'm actually gonna blog.... hahahah.... I hate you guys... first friendster? Now this?! This is not cool... :P I refuse to join the blog bandwagon! (says the idiot who is writing this right now --- aw you guys know I wuuuv ya --- Why else would I be f'n blogging? Coz I get to blog with the great Misteeeeeeerrrrrrrr Nobody..... *wait for it... wait for it* Nooobodaaaaayyy.... and of course the Godfather himself who contributed his sperm to give birth to Juststuffredux: Juststuffredux... hmmm... that didn't come out quite as good as I imagined... erm... sorry Mpac :P )

Anyways, here i go, I will actually blog... Here is how I can describe the few weeks (with regards to getting work and starting out in my new job) or how i'd like to describe it metaphorically:

"Hi there, my name is Dog! I've spent the last few years playing basketball in my backyard... and in my friend's house... and sometimes at school with my classmates....." said the curly haired dude who has a slight fever and a runny nose as of this moment, "Then one day I tried out for this unknown team that seemed like some village league or so.... just coz hey, I'm playing! Why not play in some team? Maybe that would be cool!" He added.

And so the coaches checked him out; He was actually really lame and not sure why the coach even bothered to take him in anyways and give him a shot... despite the horrible performance. Apparently he thought he was pretty good, but actually he wasn't really that good at basketball, but it seems he's being given a chance because it has something to do with the school he went to... which apparently he had in common with the coach).

"Hmmm, maybe I should just call it quits and go apply at a call center (okay so i couldn't think of a good allusion that people would understand... sue me!)" said Dog, "I mean it's kinda pathetic the only reason they are taking me is coz we went to the same school... pffft.... when I seriously could've been tryout for the position of waterboy with the kind of game I played?!"

So he contemplated on whether to actually show up or just maybe just ditch that and start taking chess more seriously since he's apparently competent at it and chess people keep inviting him to play chess (OKokok... that's my call center symoblism! Yay!) even if he really doesn't care for it much....

Soooo anyways... long story short......... Dog decides to go back and see how the basketball practice was going, and maybe at the very least he could watch others play and learn some new skillz. The coach didn't exactly tell him he was a member you see.... the coach just said he should drop by and see the practice and maybe he gets to play and be tested again.... just for the benefit of the doubt....

"Oh well, I may suck... but they are giving me a chance to do something I like to do... so let's see how this goes" he mumbled.

So dog went to the practices and workouts and slowlyrealized something: it was becoming apparent that this team was not going to compete in any village league. In fact, this team was not even going to compete in just a college varsity tournament....

It was a Pro league, The NBA!

So imagine his surprise when after that, he was handed a contract! He was rather conflicted about it (and actually hasn't signed the contract lol) but he sure is gonna at least play in the NBA till they realize he shouldn't be playing there! hahahah!

"So yeah, I'm gonna be pretending I can actually guard Lebron James or Kobe Bryant" thought Dog, "And try to score points with the help of my team mates... who will hopefully be nice to me and give me a chance, till they realize i shouldn't be there.... It's a short term contract afterall.... so I'm just gonna run with it."

He still wonders though why the hell the coach bothered to throw him a bone..... He was suppose to be in the reserved list at best... but he is actually in the line up.... weird....

"One thing is for sure..... i'm gonna get my ass beat and my body turned to a puddle of gunk.... this ain't gonna be easy.... far from it..... let's hope I live long enough to even finish my contract term lol"

Sad? Happy?

More like Confused.... Conflicted

Grateful... yes....
Wary too...


Okay so welcome to my brain.... I hope you can find your way out.... Coz i'm just as lost as you are.... urm.... who has my map? Anyone here have a map to the exit? Hello? Sigh... crap.....


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