wow... 8 years! To think 8 years ago, i didn't even know what progressive rock was. Well i loved classical music and i thought about fusing some of its elements with rock... but i didn't know that some bands actually already did that.

I found out about progressive music through a college friend. JP was a huge prog rock fan... he introduced me to Dream Theater, Rush, DMB etc... after my enlightenment, i never looked back.

So anywho... then a blockmate introduced me to Pepe... she told me her cousin was looking for a bassist and that she told him about me. So we met, and stuff... and then pepe gave me a study tape... he told me to listen to it and try to make my own bass line for the piece...

i got home, and immediately listened to the study tape... shit pickle... i fuckin' had a hard time making a decent bass line. the time signature was a bitch. wahahahaha. i almost lost hope... i thought... man, if prog rock is gonna be this tough, i don't think i can hack it. anyway, after spending the whole night... til the wee hours of the morning... trying to make a decent line... i finally finished the piece... so i told pepe that i finished the piece... pepe being the critic that he was told me that we should jam so he can hear the line... so i agreed

we then jammed at Transound... a music studio just a few blocks from DLSU. the rest was history as they say... we then met up with Chad and Loubert...

Eternal Now was born.

Entotoy ang papayat namin! wahahahaha... look at those baggy shirts... woohooo!

and now 8 years after... the original line-up is back together:

Pepe Manikan on keys and synth
Chad Robles on Guitars
Loubert Vidal on Drums
Mister Nobody (Roger Alcantara) on bass
and the new voice of EN Ian Gomez

who would've thought we'd last that long? i was away for sometime because of some conflicts with my sched... had to stop playing because i had to work. for a while i juggled work and my playing with the band... but photojournalism is a huge responsibility. and i had to make a choice back then. i don't regret that choice though... that time away made me mature, personally and musically. and now that i'm back i'm more confident about my playing and i feel i can contribute more to the new sound of Eternal Now. I still have a lot to learn of course... but learning is always fun, especially with these guys. you see, we're not just bandmates... we are brothers.

Eternal Now with friends at 6 Underground...

8 years! and what better way to celebrate 8 years... but to go back to where it all started...

Eternal Now jams at Transound:


we do hope you can join us as we celebrate 8 years of awesome music... do drop by our gigs:

April 26 - Al's Bar, BF homes parañaque with WPG, DC Aftershock, Sultans of Snap, etc...

April 28 - Vega J Bar, Malate (in front of P.W.U. Taft)

May 5 - Streakers bar, Las Piñas, (near Fernandos, McDonalds, Golf Driving Range)

May 19 - Mall of Asia with The Kagaws, Fuseboxx, Lucille, Squeezers, and Kala

May 26 - Ayuyang Bar, Baguio City


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