Well nothing much to say really hehehe, just thought I'd share two songs I like to hear as of late. ^_^ Enjoy!

This one is the 3rd or 4th opening credits of the very popular anime show Bleach, but I looked for the MTV of the Jap band "The High and Mighty colors", so it's the longer radio friendly version (I wonder if there is a longer prog version... which could be the case). This is entitled "Ichirin no Hana" it's english subtitled so if you're curious to know what the song is about well, there you go! XD:

This one is Love song by 311, hahaha yeah.. mushy crap lol but ei 50 first dates was a good movie afterall and this is great song! It's not a video but pffft who cares!

So there you go! Have fun you @$$w!p3s hehheh!
The dogster is outta here! I need to go to the rooftop and watch dogs doing it in the street! WUhahahah!


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