I wish it was the '90s again. Full of entertaining music videos, Beavis and Butthead, Migraine Boy, VJ Nadia, VJ Donita, VJ Sonia, VJ Carlos Macapinlac (can't remember the name, Dijay Aditya?). I mean, what can you watch on MTV right now? Crappy music, that's what.

I mean, the only reason I watch MTV right now is to watch Pimp My Ride. How low can MTV go? Hmm... maybe if they put the lyrics of the songs below the screen...

Anyway, here are some music videos from the Foo Fighters that I have either never watched or just watched once.

Learn to Fly

This video includes Tenacious D members Jack Black and Kyle Gass as drug smugglers. I didn't even know they were here until I watched it recently.


Ahh, one of my favorite FF songs! This was from the Me, Myself, and Irene soundtrack, so you get to see the lovely Traylor Howard (Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place), Anthony Anderson (from most of the Jet Li movies), Jarod Mixon (is he the guy from Old School?), and the black midget.

Monkey Wrench

Ok, so this isn't really the music video for Monkey Wrench, but this guy's really good.

There you go. I hope you enjoyed it.


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