it has been a looong time indeed.... it's good to be back...
went to the light expo yesterday... what can i say... well it's lights... for cryin' out loud... last time i checked, it's a necessity... not entertainment... how may times can you actually say... "hey mom let's go check out some lights... i heard they're pretty cool...." hmmmmm... the only reason to celebrate anything connected with lights is right after a looooong blackout...
neighbors: putang ina may ilaw na!!!!! yahooo! *jubilation*
me: *shrug* don't even need to check if the power is back... just wait for the screams and cheers of your kapitbahay... it's as if they all won the friggin' lottery....
...will post pictures when i get home
...juststuff is back... how cool is that?
Labels: Mister Nobody